Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Courtly Love in Romeo and juliet - 1702 Words

How does Shakespeare show that Romeo’s love for Juliet is real? How do his words and actions differ from when he said he loved Rosaline? In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, the introduction of Romeo to the audience is haunted by a melancholic mood. The scene is set in Verona where Romeo’s family is worried about him due to his rejection in love from a woman, Rosaline. However throughout the scenes studied, it seems that love is the primary driving force behind most of Romeo’s actions and words. In general, the theme of love and the course of it intertwine with the fate of the violent peacefulness of this tragedy. His determined desolation from his family stirs unease in his cousin, Benvolio. During the course of this tale, Romeo blooms†¦show more content†¦The full appreciation of this new confound feeling allows Romeo to continue his courting of Juliet with or without her rebuff. His encounter with Juliet could be considered as a ‘reality check’, to which he discovers the differences from his fixated crush on Rosaline to the arduous beauty he compares Juliet to. The unfa miliar sensation begins to broadens his outlook on love; opening his eyes to a fresh, passionate world. Shakespeare indicates the sincere affections of Romeo towards Juliet through their dialogue in the balcony scene, Act 2 Scene 2. Juliet soon teaches Romeo how to love properly and from then Romeo flourishes to appreciate the true meaning of love. A strong example of this is in the balcony scene, at which Romeo in his own peril tries to see Juliet. He sets the foundation of this scene when he begins to compare Juliet to all sorts of things of great beauty. He sees Juliet as light and calls her ‘the Sun†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He claims that even the moon, the traditional symbol for a womans beauty and purity, is envious of Juliet. This characterization is not merely dramatic. The use of these superlatives is meant to convey Romeos deep feelings. When compared to his earlier characterization of Rosaline, Romeos tribute to Juliet takes on even more significance. The difference between what Romeo says of Rosaline and what he says in the But soft speech about Juliet emphasises his adoration even more. His characterization of Rosaline commences with the traditionalShow MoreRelatedCourtly Love in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay835 Words   |  4 PagesCourtly Love in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet In the Elizabethan era men would go to all extremes to show women how much they loved them. This was called Courtly love. Around this time, men were expected to declare their love for a woman like this, and the women enjoyed the men telling them how beautiful they were. 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