Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Lifecycle of a Star Essay - 1338 Words

‘There are more stars than all of the grains of sand on earth.’(Star Facts, 2005:1) Looking up at the sky on a vibrant night, the vision is naturally lit one with millions of vivacious, glistening stars. The tenacity of this essay is to explore the lifecycle of a star, thence, signify its manifestation in the universe. A fundamental part of our universe is stars. Hence, these miniature luminous forms are essentially very immense in magnitude and it is merely due to their substantial distance from Earth that they appear so trivial. Scientifically, a star is a ball of hydrogen and helium with sufficient mass that it can endure nuclear mixture at its core. A huge, shining ball of plasma, whose lustre is an outcome of thermonuclear fusion are†¦show more content†¦The transportation of energy from the core of the protostar to the visible surface layer of the star begins in a circular motion (as a gas). As a result, this stage connects the gas temperature inside the protostar to the gas density-this enables it to have a polytropic structure. As a protostar emits, it shrinks in scope to produce the energy that replaces the discharged energy. This shrinkage increases both the self-gravity and pressure at the protostar’s core correspondingly. This balance produces a connection between the temperature of the protostar and the gravitational resistance of the star. Eventually, as the radius of the star shrinks, the temperature will surge to the factor that it reduces, thus, its density will further increase. However, the visible layer of the star doesn’t become affected in terms of increase in temperature because its location is set by the skill of light to spontaneously escape from it. Thence, the protostar begins to become more opaque, less luminous, and as an outcome the radiation of light decreases. It takes a long time for the star to reach its main sequence because the decreasing luminosity and the increasing thermal energy cause the rate of shrinkage to slow dramatically. Therefore, the protostar begins its brief life as a ch arismatic star that diminishes in lustre on a timescale of hundreds of years. As years goes by, theShow MoreRelatedScience of Stars Essay1117 Words   |  5 PagesScience of Stars This paper is about the science of the stars. In this paper I will address how astronomers determine the composition, temperature, speed, and rotation rate of distant objects. I will briefly explain the properties of stars in the H-R diagram from Chapter 15 of the course textbook â€Å"The Cosmic Perspective†. I will also summarize the lifecycle of the Sun and identify where the Sun is in its lifecycle. Studying Distant Objects Astronomers study light which comes from distantRead MoreScience of Stars Paper1326 Words   |  6 PagesScience of Stars Paper Diana L. 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